Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year New Opportunities!

O.K. everyone it is a whole new year with many new opportunities! Lots of people try and come up with New Years resolutions all with good intentions and then they fall by the wayside. Rather than feel guilty about broken resolutions why not make a list of all the good things you do already and just work harder to improve upon them. Wouldn't that be easier and more fun?

Here is an example, I love to create artwork. I would like to expand my creativity and encompass more creative projects and combine more mediums into my work. Now doesn't that sound like fun? Instead of things like I need to lose 10 pounds and go on a diet. I need to exercise more, I need to get organized, I need to eat healthier. We know that we need to do all those things but let's make resolutions that we can keep and enjoy! Here's to a wild ride 2011!

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